Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Music Man-

Here's Ben with his new bass amp he built from cardboard boxes. I'm thinking this boy MIGHT have made too many trips to Guitar Center with his dad. Especially when Ben told me he needed a wah-wah pedal (he built this later using a Rice-A-Roni box).
And here is his original composition - he worked really hard on these notes. After he was done he sat at the piano to practice. Very serious business!

Saturday, May 07, 2011


We might not have the next Albert Pujols, but Ben has enjoyed T-Ball. With this crazy weather we've been rained out more than we've played, but his first two sessions went pretty well. He learned the basics of using his glove, batting, playing in the dirt, waving to his fans while running the bases and collecting balls with his chin...