I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the horrible reality that was Ben's 5-year vaccinations. Oh. My. Goodness. It was BAD. He was worried/nervous about getting shots, but we played it cool - "we'll see, big guy!" The actual doctor visit went really well - he's up to 43-3/4 inches and 42 pounds (75 percentile for both). He did great on his hearing test and listened to the doctor, answered his questions, etc. UNTIL the very end when the nurse came in with the tray with all the shots. Ben started FREAKING - "what are those... are those for meeeeeee?!" He jumped onto Joe's lap and started screaming as loud as he possibly could. Ben tried to make his way up onto Joe's shoulders to avoid the nurse and would have climbed out the window if he could have - shrieking the entire time. They started with the finger-prick lead test and proceeded with four(!) more shots, two on each arm. Joe had to hold Ben's entire body down while I held his head and stared into his crying face trying to calm him down... ugh. It was rough. Thank goodness Joe was there.
Meanwhile, Miss Nora was as happy as could be looking around in her pumpkin seat like "what the heck is going on here?" When her turn came for a shot she let out a tiny little "yelp" and was done with it. Ben pretty much screamed bloody murder until we left the office.
So, afterwards Ben had little penguin arms - refusing to move his arms whatsoever and would only bend at the wrists. He even had us buckle his seat belt. It was pretty pathetic. UNTIL, a miracle occurred in our house - it was amazing! Bubba called to see if he wanted to play her new Wall•e Wii game and suddenly he was CURED. Hallelujah!