Mystery Reader / School Birthday party-
Can you guess who the special mystery reader was at Ben's school?!
It was Bubba!
So... a mystery reader is a special guest who comes to the classroom covered in a mask and all the children try to guess who it is by asking the mystery reader a series of questions. "Are you a mom?" "Do you know someone in this class?" "Are you an aunt?" I think Ben was suspicious that it was Bubba towards the end, but he seemed genuinely surprised. The class figured out that it was a grandma so they went around asking who's grandma it could be. The teacher asked Ben if it was his grandma and he said "I don't know." Here he realized that it was HIS GRANDMA. Pretty cool :) Ben LOVES a good surprise.
Bubba read a book to the entire class and they all wanted to share their favorite colors with her!
Ben felt pretty special with his mommy, both grandmas and baby sister at school. All to celebrate his birthday (a little late... but better late than never, that's what I always say! PLUS, who wants their birthday to only last ONE measly day... seriously!)...The kids singing the birthday rap for Ben while he wore the birthday sunglasses!