Thursday, November 18, 2010

More school-

Ben and his buddy Brayden shucking corn.
This month they were examining fall and the changing seasons.  

Playing in the motor sensory room.

Ben bossing the other kids around... just kidding! They were working on patterns.

We think it's pretty cool Ben's preschool won the Early Childhood Program of the Year for the entire state! Hopefully his education won't go down the tubes in kindergarten next year since we moved to an inferior district... ha, ha! I had to get  ONE DIG in before he starts kindergarten.

We're in our new house, it's a crazy mess... but life is good. The baby is kicking like crazy and Ben got to feel "his baby" moving for the first time this morning. He was pretty impressed and said "that's not you moving, mommy!!"

Monday, November 08, 2010

27 Weeks & We're Moving!

Oh yeah... I'm pregnant! We almost forget with all the excitement of packing and getting ready to move. I think when I was pregnant with Ben we took a photo every week... and this time around, might be my first pregnancy pic. Oh well, life has been busy! I'm thankful I feel great and everything has been going well... so-far-so-good! Can you tell Ben is excited to be a big brother?! Keep your fingers crossed for us that everything continues to go well! As Auntie M would say "calm waters!"

Here's where we're moving on Friday! It suits us, right? We always welcome friends and family... especially friends from UP NORTH (hint, hint!). Keep your fingers crossed for us with the house, too. It's been a pretty stressful deal... we can't wait until Friday when everything is finalized.

Friday, November 05, 2010


This year Ben was Darth "Mader" (he always says Mader and not Vader) for Halloween. He was pretty excited about everything. We had dinner - mummy hot dogs - at Bubba and Grampy's and hit the trick-or-treat scene after we ate. It's booming in their neighborhood. Ben was very independent this year and wanted to go up to the door by himself - last year he wanted us to go with him. He told his joke - "what has 10 wheels and flies? --- a trash truck" --- and thanked almost everyone when they gave him a treat.  He didn't object when we had to do the "candy swap" for peanut-free treats. He still ended up with a ton of loot. Ben also really enjoyed passing out candy this year, I would say he liked that almost as much as the trick-or-treating. It was a fun night!