Sunday, January 31, 2010

Potty Party!!!!

It's been a long road and I won't go into the crazy details... but Ben finally filled his "potty chart" with smiley faces and got to go to Monkey Joe's. His best buddies met us there and the kids had a blast running and jumping everywhere. Needless to say we had some TIRED kids at the end of the night! His next reward is a pizza and DVD night... keep your fingers crossed for us!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Toobers & Zots

This awesome toy was a hand-me-down from Joe's cousins. They are SO FUN! Ben and I were very focused on building our sculpture.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Está nevando

THEY were right... the snow did come and we had fun outside today. We did get the sled out, but the camera batteries died before I could capture the sledding! Maybe tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Hice un muñeco de nieve (that's for you, Jason)

One day last week we had the TINIEST amount of snow... but Ben was dying to make a snowman. I think we used every last bit from our front yard. The snowman lasted only one day, but we still have two snow blobs outside our house. They SAY we're getting more snow tonight, so hopefully we can bust out the sled...

"I can't put my arms down."
" Well... put your arms down when you get to school."