Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend-

We spent Memorial Day Weekend at Innsbrook with our family... celebrated at Innsbrook's anniversary party, celebrated Bebe's birthday and played at the beach with our friends. Unfortunately the memory card on my camera was full... but thankfully our friend Kathy took these great photos at the beach. 

Pictured above is Ben and Anna - these two had a blast playing together at the beach. Anna was so sweet, collecting shells in her bucket while Ben loved dumping a shovel-full of sand in with her collection. Ah, that's the difference between boys and girls! Despite the sand dumping,  they really did play well together - and that was fun to see since Anna's dad, Matt, and I played together when we were their age.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Morning Adventure

We took a long walk across the highway and over the railroad tracks (very exciting!) on the pedestrian bridge. We walked to Old Orchard, got coffee and hung out on the apple chairs watching the world go by. It's not too hot yet and we had a great morning. Do you like Ben's new posed smile - scrunched nose, showing all his teeth?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Quote of the Day-

"Mommy, let's put the sun away."  –Benjamin W.

Said while closing the curtains and front door. Apparently the sun interfered with his perfect breakfast conditions.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Rock On!

We borrowed a container of Lincoln Logs from Bubba and Grampy... and Ben played with them once, maybe. What he was most interested in was the bin and using it to play drums. This he LOVED. I think the kid is going to be musical like his daddy. A few times at dinner he's announced to us that daddy plays the guitar, Ben plays the drums and mommy plays the recorder (but I always ask him if I can sing instead). We're a regular family band.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Outside the box

Joe got a new amp from eBay - a crazy story for another time - but Ben had a blast "swimming" in the foam peanuts from the box. As you can imagine it made quite a mess but seemed just too fun for us to say no...

We've been enjoying the warmer weather and have been building elaborate train tracks on the screened porch. He's REALLY into trains again these days. Ben's been sleeping with / "reading" / carrying everywhere a large, hard-bound book about trains Joe had when he was a kid. He loves looking through it and shows anyone who will stop to read it with him. I definitely need to get a pic of that!