Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An Unexpected, Super-Fun Day-

I went to bed early last night feeling totally blah - sore throat, runny nose - bummed to be coming down with a cold. I knew it was going to snow and I was dreading today. I knew I wasn't going to be feeling well and that Ben would most likely be staying home with me. I have lots of work to do (and less time to get it done with him home) and we have NO FOOD in the house...

Well, I woke up this morning feeling MUCH better - all "chesty" - but no more sore throat, the worst part if you ask me. AND we've actually had a great day! 

We played for a long time in the snow. Ben finally got to wear his boots and Joe's snow pants from when he was a kid (really cute)! We were able to use Ben's new sled from Christmas and he had a blast. AND we somehow had all the right ingredients for our favorite cheesy-broccoli soup to warm up from the cold.

Also, when we came in from outside I had a message on my machine from one of my clients... she's offering to pay my registration fee for a conference she knew I wanted to go to! Just as a "thank you" for the work I've done... wow!

So, today I'm thankful for the snow day, great clients and an unexpected fun day with Ben. 

Now I better get to work!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bubba & Grampy night

Now that the bustle of the holidays are over we enjoyed a nice low-key night with Bubba and Grampy. You know, just a few dishes and Wii*. What could be better?

*This is only Ben's second time playing Wii - but these photos make him look like a pro, no?!

Hangover Bowl - 2009

Ben loved playing football in the annual (new year's day) family football game. It wasn't nearly as cold as last year!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Christmas through Ben's Eyes

Here are Ben's photos from his new digital camera. As you can see he's still getting the hang of his camera :)