Monday, December 29, 2008

"Let's Open it!"

Christmas Eve at Bubba and Grampy's
(with both sets of grandparents - so lucky!)
Getting tired waiting for Santa...

These pics don't even come close to capturing the fun and chaos of new gifts everywhere! Ben loved opening all of his Christmas presents and after each one he would say "LET'S OPEN IT!" He was so, so, so excited! This year Ben got lots of games (Memory, Chutes & Ladders and Hi-Ho Cherry-0), a digital camera, sled, sleeping bag, Little Einstein's Rocket, tools and workbench, new Thomas trains (fire station and railroad crossing), Batman bat cave - and of course Spiderman - just like he asked from Santa! It was a great year and fun Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

School Photo Day-

Here is Ben's first school picture with his Mommy's Day Out Class. The first time he saw the photo he said "my family!" I have no idea how those teachers got all those kids to sit still long enough to click the pic! Aren't they cute?!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Here comes Santa!

I've been waiting all year to post these photos (pardon the bad scanning)! They were taken 30 years apart - Joe and Ben sitting on Santa's lap! Since their birthdays are so close they are about the same age in these pics. 

Ben asked Santa for Spiderman when he sat on his lap - who knows what Joe wanted - maybe the same thing...

I wasn't sure if Ben was going to sit with Santa or not, but he went right up and sat down brave as could be. Santa was very nice to Ben and even sang the Spiderman theme song for him.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Pre-Thanksgiving Celebration

We had a great time with our favorite Illinois/Kentucky/West Virginia cousins. We got to see Aleena's new house (hopefully Ben didn't destroy it too much...) and had a delicious homemade meal. We love you guys!