Christmas Fun!
Christmas was fun and exhausting this year! We've been on-the-go for the past four days (and now Ben has yet another ear infection, poor guy). We're lucky to have lots of family and friends nearby to spend time with. A few of Ben's new toys this year include: Thomas trains and track, basketball hoop, Little People toy garage, toy clock, cash register, Mega Blocks, cars. . . the list goes on, believe me! He opened a few presents this year, but mostly was interested in removing bows from every package. He's LOVING his new stuff!
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. . .
We spent Christmas Eve with Bubba, Grampy, Great Aunt Kim, Great Uncle Tim and cousins Sean and Brett. While there we put Ben to bed at his normal bed time. Well, when Joe and I went to get Ben to go home we found him this way. Yes, we promise he had P.J.s AND a diaper on when we put him to bed.
The past few mornings we've found him with only a diaper on in his crib, but he really took things to a new level tonight. Merry Christmas little guy, sweet dreams!
New Tent
Ben got this great tent with a tunnel from his babysitter, Sarah, for Christmas. He seems to LOVE it!!
The Mad Hatter

Ben normally won't keep a hat on his head - and it's a bummer, because we have some cute ones - but he loved Aunt Amanda's hat this weekend. He wore it everywhere and thought he was pretty cool.
Too Funny. . .

According to this extremely advanced and accurate online software Ben equally looks like his mom and dad. Hmm. . . Considering that when we go to restaurants, servers comment on how much Ben looks like Joe, I'm skeptical.
Mom Craft, Climbing and More!
The Big Game

We went to Uncle Tim and Aunt Amanda's for the big Mizzou game last night. Well, the game was a bust, but Ben looked cute in his Mizzou gear (thanks to his Columbia cousins). Look at Ben consoling his Grandad when the Tigers were down. . . he must have known what was going on!